HRS Designs - Hannah Wong
Hannah Wong of HRS Designs creates work that is intended to be interactive with its wearer, whether a physical or an intellectual interaction. Its wearer will take part in a challenge of how art and the body collide. Hannah seeks to create a new value for found objects, making the “valueless” valuable. She also strives to make the unnoticed noticed, and to strip objects of their intended function and meaning. In my work, there is commonly a play on words and a sense of reality displacement. Some of her work maybe described is colorful, fun, and its form is best described as soft geometry.
Artist Statement
My jewelry is inspired by forms found in nature, as well as architecture and topographical maps. I am attracted to clean lines, geometric forms and intricate patterns. I attempt to harvest my inspirations and apply meaning to my work by designing with a purpose. My desire is to create work that challenges traditional conceptions of beauty and social conventions.
As a trained metalsmith, I work primarily in sterling silver and 14k gold. I design modern jewelry with details of Mokume Gane, Keum boo, traditional stone setting and crushed gemstones. Copper and bronze are used when I make Mokume gane, a metalsmithing technique derived from an ancient Japanese sword making process of layering metals. My art process involves experimenting with texturizing, soldering, and oxidizing metal. I challenge conventional gemstone setting by crushing and reconstructing them in my pieces. I also seek out unique gemstones that I can compliment with metal forms that accentuate the natural details of the stones.
My end goal is to create modern and sophisticated jewelry that results in a statement piece for the wearer.